Monday, April 20, 2015


My first CHEMO!!!

Thats right, That 1st chemo day came by quick! I was ready! It was seriously a mission to get it started though because insurance drama got in the way of the process being a simple trip to the oncologist. Because paperwork wasn't done on time through the insurance offices, I had to go through the adventure of being admitted to the hospital through the ER, which only took 10hrs to get a room, and then about another half day to process Chemo orders, eventually everything was settled and it was finally time to start!
There I was in my own little private room with a designated Chemo nurse getting ready to start when my nerves started kicking in, its funny though cuz they weren't nerves about the meds, I was just nervous about them accessing my port.  I have an injectable port permanently inserted right above my heart, they usually put in on your right but because I had my surgery scar all swollen and healing from the infection on my right side they had to place it on my left. The port is made of titanium and it has a special hose that was inserted to one of my main veins because due to the meds being so strong they cant run it through a normal IV because it starts to blow out your veins. So I was nervous because i was like OMG what if they miss and stab my heart! Thats seriously the only thing i was nervous about. And then you know me, i cant say no, what do i do when my head nurse tells me she has a nurse thats never accessed a port before and wanted to see if i didnt mind her guiding her through accessing mine, well, i said yes, AHHHHH my nerves were going crazy, I covered my face and just eeeked and squirmed and laughed through the comments, of where do I feel? what is this part? where do i insert the needle? and the best one, i dont think I can do it, MEGA AHHHHHH, she was so sweet though and BOOM it was done, she did it, i did it, simple sting and discomfort, but I could once again breathe, lol
The entire process took about 6hrs, with pre meds having to go in 1st, then meds go in one at a time and then some have to be injected very slowly though the IV by the nurse directly, and well I think I did good, I was lucky enough not to puke once :) I felt good and proud.  I went home with lots of meds waiting for me at home that I have to pretty much take all day and right after Chemo i have to go through 3 days of shots, and I have to be extra careful at home for a couple days because the chemo meds linger in my system and I have to be careful not to spread the meds to the kids or any one in general, so i eat from disposable plates, silverware, cups and i dont share food or kiss the kids till the meds get flushed, but again, kids know everything going on and why. Then when thats done, at about the 4th day after I start pretty much losing my good and bad cells so my immune system starts to shut down, so then thats when i have to be careful of who I'm around, and avoid lots of stuff, places, and crowds cuz well germs and sick people could really cause me to get severely sick, so dont come visit me with any sniffles, lol. My first chemo wrapped up 2days before Easter so with the help of the family and Gabby and Miguel on candy duty we all tried to keep our big egg hunt and bbq a must, they thought we were going to have to cancel, uh I THINK NOT, i have to constantly take little rests to pump up some energy, but overall I think it was another great EASTER!!!! and I just bought more eggs at 75% off at rite aid a couple days ago, so i think next year we will prob be at about 800 or 900 eggs!!!! Im so excited, lol

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