Well, one change that I think we all expect because we hear it happens is weight loss, well in my case, its been the opposite, lol im like hey you bad cell killers, why aren't u taking the fat ones with you, those are very bad! lol but it doesn't seem to work that way, and since I haven't lost my appetite guess that doesn't help either, on the contrary I seriously feel pregnant and when I get a food craving I just gotta have it. So who knows if that will change in an opposite direction down the road, but for now my change hasn't been weight loss, its been weight gain, lol I just say I need it for hibernation mode for those times where I feel down, lol works for me :)
How about some Moody Changes, lol aw man I have those, I try to take a breather before any one of those weird mood moments hit, because I know myself and I know it is not how I normally act, but I do tend to some days feel extra "bitchy"(mainly take that one out on the husband). Extra Sad for no reason sometimes or even watching a sad movie (im mostly by myself for those moments which is good). Extra happy and moments when I save my energy, I try to save those for the kids (even tho they feel mommas wrath sometimes if they try get angry pirate over something or if they haven't finished their homework or done their reading).
I'm also SUPER SPACEY And my Memory fails me even more now, Ive driven out going to one place and forget where i'm going and end up somewhere else, yup its happened, NOT GOOD! Ive left conversations hanging because I got distracted and then I forgot what I was doing (im sorry if ive done that to you)
I shall end this Blog of Change with the biggest one on most peoples minds...Is she going to lose her hair? Well let me tell you now...Yes, yes I will. And that change my friends, has already begun. This entire week I have lost hair by the masses, lol in my sleep, shower, a quick brush stroke through the hair and even just looking at it it falls out, lol. I honestly and sincerely am not worried about it falling out I cant wait to get my head healthy from all the severe rashes that I have had that im sure my poor scalp needs some much needed TLC. When Chemo and everything is all done with, my hair will come back and im sure it will come back beautiful! I was even given some hope that it might come out wavy, ahhhhh wavy, im so excited and all my fingers are crossed for that one, in the mean time I will rock the hats, beanies, and maybe even a wig, and if I lose my eyebrows Gabby already said she will bring stencils over and we can find a good look for me, lol IM READY!!!!
Right now its super thin and I dont have a lot left, during this week im going to let the kids play cut my hair like I promised them so we can make this new change fun and again not something that has to be scary, especially not for the kids. Ill leave you with pics of whats left of my hair, lol.....
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