Monday, April 27, 2015

#5 Chemo, Round 2....and.... 4/17/15

I was a little behind in updating, but im almost caught up now.

I had my second Chemo Friday (4/17/15) and similar to last time I had to go through the ER again due the insurance switch not taking effect until the 1st of May. So, this time thinking it would be smarter to get to the ER early to hopefully get a room sooner, I decided to go around midnight the Thursday before so that hopefully I could have a room by Friday morning. Let me tell you, it wast that bad this time, I got a room around 4:30am and after I got drugged up and hooked up, I was ready for some sleep, cuz lately I have had a bad case of insomnia!

Well, Friday they still ended up starting Chemo late till around 5pm, and this time around it wasn't so easy. I've mentioned before im not really scared of everything going on, its just the initial access to get into my port that freaks me out! I was given a nurse who claimed to have 27 years experience so I was thinking, YES! shes gonna be good, and then AHHHHHH she was horrible!!! I'm so glad I had my husband there and poor Sammy and Gabby were at the door while she was going to access it because they only allow one person with me while exposing the port. Then my worse nightmare in all of this happens, SHE MISSED THE PORT!!!! I got stabbed!!!!! At least that's what it felt like, this huge needle stabbing its way through the wrong way! It was horrible! I cried of course and my husband was just telling me I was bleeding but I couldn't bear to look, she apologized and I just continued to cry into the pillow I had covering my face, time to try again, and then guess what happened, SHE MISSED AGAIN!!!!!! Man, it felt worse than the one before, it was horrible and I was really in a lot of pain, and then here she goes trying to go again! I couldn't anymore, I snapped at her and yelled at her that she was no longer allowed to touch me, I was telling her; how could you have missed it through the tears and I would look back and see the frustration in my husbands eyes, because there was really nothing he could do to make things better.  A head nurse finally ended up coming in and inserting the needle but I could tell they didn't put that one in right either but they were to scared to ask to do it again, so my port needle was held up in a weird way by gauze and tape, yeah it didn't look right, lol but it did its job.

Then entire Chemo this time ended around 12:15am so I was not allowed to go home until the next day.  This time I asked the doctor to please tell me, out of all the days in between Chemo sessions, which days would you consider are my strongest? She said the best ones are of course the 3 days immediately following Chemo, she said its when my immune system is its strongest and its only reinforced with all the medication, then other strong days where my body is somewhat strong but on its own are the couple days right before the next Chemo date.  :)

So this time, what did I do???? I asked my husband to take me out to dinner one day, and we went to the VIEJAS BUFFET!!!! yum!!!! I did wear my ask and entered and exited through the non-smoking section, but boy did I eat my little heart out! AND..... the next day I surprised the kids with a Movie day and we went to the movies and saw Mall Cop 2 and Home ^_^ Again, I wore my mask and we sat in the front seats where no one was sitting, so they were happy and I was super happy, and over all I think we had a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

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